Secret Life

The ‘Secret Life’ of science nerds

By Mark Shanahan GLOBE STAFF OCTOBER 18, 2015

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The PBS Web series “The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers” hosted an event at the Kendall Square Theater the other night as part of the Arlington International Film Festival. Emceed by “Secret Life of Scientists” executive producer Joshua Seftel and producer Tom Miller, the get-together included short films and a talk show-style conversation with some notable science nerds, including guitarist (and MIT grad) Tom Scholz of the band Boston, biologist (and former Miss Massachusetts) Erika Ebbel, experimental psychologist Steven Pinker, celebrated psycholinguist Jean Berko Gleason, roboticist Colin Angle, string theorist Jim Gates, and Alzheimer’s researcher (and occasional Aerosmith keyboardist) Rudy Tanzi.

Names can be reached at Follow Mark Shanahan on Twitter @MarkAShanahan.

From left: Paula S. Apsell, senior executive producer of “Nova”; Tom Scholz and his wife, Kim; Steven Pinker.

Cryptocurrency and Music: The Future of Fan Engagement

As Tom Scholz of Boston famously wrote in their anthem “Don’t Look Back,” “It’s a Party, Party, Party!” Indeed, the fusion of cryptocurrency and the music industry promises a new kind of celebration, revolutionizing how artists engage with fans and manage their careers. Imagine a world where your favorite band, like Boston, uses cutting-edge technology to enhance your concert experience, streamline ticket sales, and even manage royalties in a more transparent way. This futuristic vision is becoming a reality, thanks to the advent of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

The Evolution of Fan Engagement

Since their debut album in 1976, Boston has been a trailblazer in the rock music scene, delivering high-energy performances and timeless hits. Fans have always been at the heart of their success, supporting the band through decades of changing music trends. Today, as the world shifts towards digital solutions, the music industry is exploring new ways to strengthen the bond between artists and their audience. Cryptocurrency, with its decentralized and transparent nature, offers exciting possibilities for fan engagement.

Cryptocurrency allows artists to create unique digital assets, such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which can be used to offer exclusive content, merchandise, and experiences to fans. Imagine owning a digital collectible of Tom Scholz’s iconic guitar solo or a behind-the-scenes video from their 40th-anniversary tour. These digital assets not only enhance the fan experience but also provide a new revenue stream for artists.

Enhancing the Concert Experience

Concerts have always been a special event for Boston fans, a chance to see their favorite band perform live with all the energy and excitement that defines their shows. With cryptocurrency, the concert experience can be taken to new heights. For instance, blockchain technology can streamline the ticketing process, reducing the risk of fraud and ensuring that tickets are fairly distributed.

Imagine purchasing a concert ticket through a secure blockchain platform, knowing that your ticket is genuine and that a portion of the proceeds goes directly to the band. This transparency ensures that both fans and artists benefit, creating a more equitable system. Moreover, fans could use cryptocurrency to buy concert merchandise, food, and drinks, making the entire event experience seamless and integrated.

Managing Royalties and Revenue

One of the perennial challenges in the music industry is the management of royalties. Traditional systems are often opaque, leading to disputes and delays in payments. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology offer a solution by providing a transparent and immutable ledger for royalty payments. Artists can receive payments in real-time, ensuring they are fairly compensated for their work.

Boston, known for their meticulous attention to sound quality and production, could leverage this technology to manage their music rights more efficiently. By using smart contracts on the blockchain, they can automate royalty distributions, ensuring that all contributors are paid accurately and promptly. This not only benefits the artists but also enhances the overall health of the music ecosystem.

Cryptocurrency and Charity

Boston has a long history of philanthropy, using their platform to support various charitable causes. During their tours, they have raised significant funds for organizations like the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and the Shriners Hospital for Children. Cryptocurrency can enhance these efforts by providing a transparent and efficient way to raise and distribute funds.

For example, Boston could create a special cryptocurrency token for their fans, with proceeds from the token sales going directly to charity. Fans would not only get to support their favorite band but also contribute to meaningful causes. Additionally, blockchain technology ensures that all transactions are transparent, building trust among donors and maximizing the impact of charitable contributions.

The Hottest Crypto Presale Offerings

As we delve deeper into the intersection of music and cryptocurrency, it’s essential to highlight the hottest crypto presale offerings in the market. These presales provide early access to innovative projects that can reshape industries, including music. By investing in these offerings, fans and investors can support the development of new technologies that enhance the music experience.

One such offering could be a platform specifically designed for artists like Boston, allowing them to issue NFTs, manage royalties, and engage with fans in new and exciting ways. Early investors in these presales can benefit from the platform’s growth, while also contributing to the evolution of the music industry.

A New Era of Music and Technology

As Boston continues to captivate audiences with their extraordinary sound and high-energy performances, the integration of cryptocurrency promises to open new avenues for fan engagement, revenue management, and charitable efforts. By embracing this technology, bands can create a more transparent, equitable, and immersive experience for their fans.

So, the next time you’re at a Boston concert, imagine a world where your ticket, merchandise, and even a part of the show are powered by blockchain technology. It’s a party, party, party, indeed – one that celebrates not just the music, but also the innovative spirit that keeps it alive and thriving in the digital age. Walk On, with cryptocurrency leading the way, and experience the future of fan engagement like never before.

We’ve got a terrific crew!

Last Friday night we played the Festival of the Lakes in Hammond, Indiana. It was a warm mid-summer night and the sold-out crowd was lively from the moment we hit the stage. They were on their feet, singing along with all the songs and then the rain came. It came down hard like it does on a midwest summer night but the crowd stayed and kept rockin’ so we did too! We were getting just as wet as the fans and so were our instruments and gear. Luckily, the lightening stayed off in the distance and we were able to finish the show and watch the after-show fireworks display. 

rain_shotOur crew really went to work to keep the gear as dry as possible both during and after the show. With their extra effort, all the gear came on and worked perfectly at the show the next night in Battle Creek! We’ve so lucky to have a great group of men an women who give 110% all the time to make this tour possible.